Tips on How to Start Graduate School Search?

Graduate students take their studies very seriously as it involves a major investment personally, intellectually, socially, emotionally and financially. You need to give yourself enough time to do your graduate school search. It is wise to spend a year in research. For instance, if you want to join your program in fall, you will start looking for it two years ahead of time.  
Generally, graduate schools start accepting applications before the intended start date. A year gives you ample time to gather all the information and thoroughly review it. 
Here are tips to help you find the right graduate school:

  • Do Online Research: 
First of all conduct a web-based search that is related to your area of interest. If you have decided to join an evening program and know where you will enjoy studying, look for an educational institution that has an evening program in the area and degree classification. Another way to do your search is through program disciplines such as Business Administration, Law, Humanities, Advertising, etc. Do multiple searches, so that you may find as many institutes which possibly match your search criteria.
  • Stay Organized: 
It is important to stay organized and make a list of all your options in alphabetical order. You can create a graduate spreadsheet and place all your choices in the left-hand column.
  • It is About You: 
Do not trust any word of mouth or think of a program or school as a final fact at this point of searching. After all, we are individuals with various interests, expectations, and experience. This is your educational experience and not of other people.
  • Check Your List of Schools/Programs: 
Go through your list of option and do not remove any of them immediately. Try to acquire as much information as possible so you can decide which choices are most appealing to you.
  • Continue to Research: 
Even if you have set up your spreadsheet, do some online initial research of institutions again. Evaluate the web content and the way it has been presented. Is information user-friendly and offer quick ways to request more information? You can also email institutions for more information on discipline and school. This will give you an opportunity to find out how responsive admission officers are and will highlight the general level of responsiveness of the school you have contacted.
  • Narrow School Search a Bit: 
Based on prompt responsiveness from the institution and website, you are in a position to narrow down your search, if you continue to receive quick responses from the institution then ask yourself the following question: if I’m being responded this way now, how will it be if I apply, am offered admission, and enroll?
  • Comparison of Schools and Disciplines: 
As you go through the entire spreadsheet, you could rank every option in numerical order or you could group your options (first group, a second group, a third group, etc.) Keep 5 to 10 options open. You can have many more; however, depending on the type of graduate program you want, the number of options will vary.
Feel free to change your research spreadsheet options at any time. There is always a chance that further information or contact with any institute can cause them to go up or down on your overall list. Take plenty of time to do your research as it will help you learn more about the school.

Good Luck!

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