10 Guidelines You Must Follow to Survive in Graduate School

The graduate school is very different from undergraduate life. This might be because this is the culmination of everything you have learned up to this point in your life, however in graduate school, you often have to show more responsibility towards your actions. Here you are given the freedom and confidence to develop the study skills necessary to succeed.
Here we have listed 10 important guidelines which can be applied to your advanced degree program, which can help you become more successful in graduate school. 

  • Take Advantage of Professors and Professional Experts:  

This is a wonderful opportunity in academia to meet the best and brightest professionals in your field. Set an appointment with them and maintain your contact directory as you may need these contacts for your first job after you graduate. To develop a relationship early on and not only when you are looking for recommendations.
  • Devote More Time to Your Academic Life: 

Just because you have been a great undergraduate student doesn’t mean that the same will happen in graduate school. Pursuing an advanced degree won’t be the same, as it requires more commitment, high expectations for yourself and an attitude to devote more time to your academic life. 
  • Stay Organized: 

Whatever is being taught at the graduate level will be helpful in the future which means that an assignment will be integrated into a portfolio or will reflect your research expertise on your resume. You need to compile your academic projects at one place so that you can return to after graduation. Keep them separate from the thesis material you already know will require. 
  • Take the First Initiative: 

Don’t expect spoon feeding at this stage, you will be expected to do things independently. If you have queries about your financial aid, scholarship or anything else, take the first initiative to answer your question. Your professors will appreciate your timely responses rather than later.  
  • Expect to Remain Busy: 

If you have struggled with time management issue at an undergraduate level, you need to break this habit as soon as you start your new life. The assignments which you will be given at postgraduate the level will be more involved, the exams you go through will take more preparation and you will be spending more of your time on academic work, be it on research, a thesis paper or a new topic of your studying.     
  • Prioritize Your Work: 

The moment your graduate school starts you will be assigned much work, so make sure things are accomplished sooner rather than later. Don’t waste time or show haste as big projects need to be tackled piece by piece and you have to show responsibility for not letting all of your other work and responsibilities slide in the meantime.
  • Manage Your Time: 

The best way to manage your graduate level work is to keep a calendar or to-do list because we know that the coursework and assignments will be more intense than those in graduate school.
  • Take Advantage of Research Opportunities: 

Become an expert, get more involved in field research which may help you cover fees, as many fellowships, grants, and assistantships are offered on your experience and willingness to conduct research.
  • Spend Wisely: 

When you are in graduate school, your goal should be to live frugally. You should find part time work that plays to your strengths or looks good on a resume, like working as a research assistant.
  • Enhance Your Social Interactions: 

Make sure to take advantage of what your the school has to offer from time to time, whether it be a workshop, a student club activity that supports your interests, or free pizza or coffee because every a graduate student needs a break sometimes.
These successful tips will make your stay at graduate school a memorable one.

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