How to Make the Most of your University Campus Visit

University visit is one of the most exciting parts of the university application process. When you are researching for the potential institution, it is essential to look for a campus which feels like a home.   
It is important to visit every institution which you are strongly considering. No guidebook or website will give you a better idea than seeing it for yourself. Many students change their mind after a campus visit. So, it is necessary to spend more time on campus to get the ‘feel’ of university
Here is our university visit checklist:
  • Schedule Your Visit: 
Mark your calendars for a campus visit while admission is in session.  
  • Talk to the Participants:
Interact with current students to know about their experiences. If you have a problem or complaint, discuss with them. Think about specific questions to find more interesting and helpful answers.

  • Meet the University Officials: 
Once you are at the campus, visit the admission office and introduce yourself. Let them discover what interests you the most about the university so they can direct you to the right place for further research. You should collect contact information and send a friendly email to university officials for taking the time out to talk to you.  If there is a sign-up sheet add your name as it is a great way to demonstrate your genuine interest in school.
  • Explore the Campus: 
Take a walk and explore your surroundings like a newly built theatre or art studio, where you can explore your creative abilities. Go through the university newsletter, check out the flyers and bulletin boards to get a sense of what is going on at the university. If you want to know about facilities like the university library or hostel, find them and have a look for yourself.
  • Maintain a Record of Every University Visit: 
If you are visiting many campuses, you are bound to become confused. Use a note-taking or voice recorder app to maintain a record of the details you like or dislike. If more questions arise, you can always email for an answer rather than visit again. 
  • Visit Your Favorite Campuses in the End: 
As you visit universities, you get to know which aspects you like and which you don’t. You come up with the right questions related to academics and the best campus spots to gauge student life. For this reason, visit your favorite university, in the end, so you will be in a position to make comparisons to the others on your list.
  • Don’t Pass Judgments: 

Once you are at university, try not to pass your opinion of it on bad food or boring class. You are bound to experience an interesting class or might end up with a friend who shares unique interests than you do. Trust you’re instinctive and you will find the right school.  
  • Be on Time: 
If you have an appointment with a faculty member or university official then be on time.
  • Dress Properly: 
It is important to dress appropriately as it reflects your neat persona and shows your respect for the admission procedure.
  • Be Courteous: 
Show your true self and don’t try to be someone you aren’t. If you decide to join that university, people will remember how you behaved. Be courteous and enjoy the tour.
There might be many factors you are considering as you narrow down your choices of a university. Make a priority to visit university hostels and take the time out to understand want you want out of your academic experience. Talk to admissions officials, friends, current students, faculty and parents to start your next accomplishments.  

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