What Employability Really is? Why it is Important to Students

Employability can be defined in different contexts. The most easily understood definition is that it is the outcome of attaining skills and personal and professional qualities that help individuals to achieve employment for remuneration and upward mobility, which benefits them, society and economy of the country.
In other words, the scope is not limited to your job only but consists of the broader set of skills, knowledge and personal abilities that enable graduates to lead professional success and advancement. Nowadays, higher education institutions are studying methods to enhance the employability skills of students and are exercising various procedures to strengthen these abilities. They prefer to look for graduates outside the subject area in favor of the broad skills, which are required.  Apart from studies, extracurricular activities related to work experience, voluntary work, and involvement in clubs and societies are seen as important aspects of hiring the right employee.

According to Future Skills, 2020 Report by the Institute for the Future, work skills required by the labor market of the future has some important implication for the educational system. Educational organizations at all levels should consider how to adapt quickly in response. Industry 4.0 Study says us that the labor market is going to change quickly and deeply.
It is important for students to take full advantage of the opportunities in the job market and follow the competitive trends to develop a better understanding of employability.
  • Follow the Competitive Approach:  
If you are a university student then look for the skills and competencies that employers need for the kind of job you would be interested in. You need to have good grades in your majors and if you have a first-class degree, you are bound to join the league of competitors. It is a unique mix of your skills, abilities, and training which helps you achieve your goals.
  • Attain Your Goal:  
The professional world is changing at a fast pace and you need to opt for different jobs to understand that employability skills are transferable and you can adapt to any situation whichever you find yourself in. 
  • Be a Part of Learning Environment: 
Learn the art of studying through a variety of different methods. For instance, you can study through academic studies, volunteering and internships to shape your personality professionally.
  • Experience the Student Life: 
To experience the student life to the fullest, you need to engage yourself in academic studies, extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, volunteering and work experience to increase your chances of successful employability.

Employability is the ability which reflects a student’s work and his or her role to perform well in the chosen field. It is an effective source of building technical and soft skills, mathematical competencies, communication abilities, problem skills, etc. An important challenge for the student is to use these skills collectively in practical life and become aware of the fact that the practice of these skills in every situation prepares one for success in life.

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